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Checkout Sanyo’s Solar Ark in Anpachi, Japan!


Inspired by the vision of an ark embarking on a journey into the 21st century. The Solar Ark is located in the geographical center of Japan and is covered with over 5,000 solar panels that generate 630 kW of energy, or approximately 530,000 kWh every year.

The Solar Ark was built in part due to a big mistake. Sanyo wanted to mark its 50th anniversary by building the largest PV system in the world. The company planned to use a hybrid system of crystal silicon and thin-film amorphous silicon cells, but faced a scandal over the insufficient output of its new technology and was forced to recall thousands of substandard cells. Sanyo decided to build a solar monument that would use the recalled technology.

Now, the 3,294 square meter Solar Ark houses a solar museum with multi-media exhibits. A solar lab, and space for hosting environmental and solar events. Though the structure came into being by accident, the Solar Ark is now a prominent landmark for solar architecture achievements.
